conceived and constructed by たいとしはる tai toshiharu
« dedicated to Harey, The Visitor appeared in front of Dr. Kris Kelvin on Solaris, the planet | メイン | 映画ヲ詠メル »


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 663rd. week

A calm in winter, floating buoyantly, only a space suit is.
At the bottom of a cliff, the uneven bars, shaken by.
With Miss, drinking as her end-stage, I dated though.
On my way back, of the next door, window for prostitution I look.
At a dead track, admire to suck, the apple flavour.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 08:19 | comment (0) | trackBack (0) | The Lion Sleeps Tonight



