conceived and constructed by たいとしはる tai toshiharu
ものづくし (click in the world!)


Soko Asoko, the sailor

Soko Asoko was created by Hideo Azuma for the heroine of the comic "Yakekuso Tenshi : The Desperate Angel", firstly. In this comic she appeared as a grown woman. But, in the comic "Yakekuso Mokushiroku : The Desperate Apocalypse", the sequel to the comic "Yakekuso Tenshi : The Desperate Angel", she appeared as a junior high school student.
This collage depends on the original images you can find here, there and everywhere.

"Deux ou trois choses que je sais d'elle (2 or 3 Things I Know About Her)"
If you want to know about the movie directed by Jean-Luc Godard, please check this page.
But, if you want to know about her, please check this page.

posted =oyo= : 10:37 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Yuki Takahara, the ice

Yuki Takahara was created for the one of the most important roles of the comic "Ai To Makoto : Love And Truth", written by Ikki Kajiwara and illustrated by Takumi Nagayasu.
This collage depends on the original images you can find here, there and everywhere.

"Deux ou trois choses que je sais d'elle (2 or 3 Things I Know About Her)"
If you want to know about the movie directed by Jean-Luc Godard, please check this page.
But, if you want to know about her, please check this page.

posted =oyo= : 08:30 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


dedicated to Jeanne Hebuterne, the muse for Amedeo Modigliani

love will tear us apart again

The collage of "dedicated to Jeanne Hebuterne, the muse for Amedeo Modigliani".
The original photography you can find, here, there and everywhere.

"Deux ou trois choses que je sais d'elle (2 or 3 Things I Know About Her)"
If you want to know about the movie directed by Jean-Luc Godard, please check this page.
But, if you want to know about her, please check this page.

posted =oyo= : 10:50 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


"Poupee de son" by France Gall

このベスト盤が発売された当時は、本作品と同時にCD5枚組のよりコンプリートに近いものも、発売された [ヴィジュアル・デザインは両者共通のモノである]。

read details"Poupee de son" by France Gall

posted =oyo= : 07:17 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


dedicated to Rita Hayworth for the movie "Gilda"

and stuck them on my wall
and now my nights ain't quite so lonely

The collage of "dedicated to Rita Hayworth for the movie "Gilda""
The original photography you can find, here, there, everywhere or nowhere.

"Deux ou trois choses que je sais d'elle (2 or 3 Things I Know About Her)"
If you want to know about the movie directed by Jean-Luc Godard, please check this page.
But, if you want to know about her, please check this page.

posted =oyo= : 08:38 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


『ギター・ソロ (GUITAR SOLOS)』 by フレッド・フリス (FRED FRITH)

このアーティストの存在を最初に知ったのが、本体であるヘンリー・カウ (Henry Cow) からなのか、それともそれをそれぞれの方向へと先鋭化させた先のユニット、アート・ベアーズ (Art Bears) からなのかマサカー (Massacre) からなのか、八木康夫 (Yasuo Yagi) からなのか、"ユーロ・ロック・マガジン (Euro Rock Magazine)"時代の雑誌『フールズ・メイト(Fool's Mate)』からなのか、雑誌『ロッキング・オン (Rockin' On)』での竹場元彦の記事からなのか、記憶はとっても曖昧なのだ。


read details 『ギター・ソロ (GUITAR SOLOS)』 by フレッド・フリス (FRED FRITH)

posted =oyo= : 10:53 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


dedicated to Luisa, Marquise Casati Stampa di Soncino called as Medousa

I believe to the soul you're the devil and now I know

The collage of "dedicated to "Luisa, Marquise Casati Stampa di Soncino called as Medousa"
The original photography you can find, here, there, everywhere and maybe nowhere.

"Deux ou trois choses que je sais d'elle (2 or 3 Things I Know About Her)"
If you want to know about the movie directed by Jean-Luc Godard, please check this page.
But, if you want to know about her, please check this page.

posted =oyo= : 08:24 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Bill Evans Trio Sunday at the Village Vanguard Featuring Scott La Faro

初めて買ったビル・エヴァンス (Bill Evans) の作品は『ポートレイト・イン・ジャズ (Portrait In Jazz)』 [1959年発表] で、それからすこしづつ、『ワルツ・フォー・デビイ (Waltz For Debby)』 [1961年発表]、本作品である『サンデイ・アット・ザ・ヴィレッジ・ヴァンガード (Sunday At The Village Vanguard)』 [1961年発表]、そして『エクスプロレイションズ (Explorations)』 [1961年発表] と、増えて行ったのだけれども、そこから先は、一向に増える気遣いはない。

read details Bill Evans Trio Sunday at the Village Vanguard Featuring Scott La Faro

posted =oyo= : 10:47 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


dedicated to Suzi Quatro with her machine head

Put your man in the can, honey
Get him while you can

The collage of "dedicated to Suzi Quatro with her machine head".
The original photography you can find, here, there and everywhere.

"Deux ou trois choses que je sais d'elle (2 or 3 Things I Know About Her)"
If you want to know about the movie directed by Jean-Luc Godard, please check this page.
But, if you want to know about her, please check this page.

posted =oyo= : 22:54 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


『マイルス・アット・フィルモア (MILES DAVIS AT FILLMORE)』 by マイルス・デイビス (MILES DAVIS)





read details 『マイルス・アット・フィルモア (MILES DAVIS AT FILLMORE)』 by マイルス・デイビス (MILES DAVIS)

posted =oyo= : 13:57 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


dedicated to Georgia O'keeffe photo by Alfred Stieglitz in her New York era

See the red light rinsing, another shutterslut wincing

The collage of "dedicated to Georgia O'keeffe photo by Alfred Stieglitz in her New York era" depends on some photography of Georgia O'keeffe photo by Alfred Stieglitz. The original photography you can find, here, there and everywhere.

"Deux ou trois choses que je sais d'elle (2 or 3 Things I Know About Her)"
If you want to know about the movie directed by Jean-Luc Godard, please check this page.
But, if you want to know about her, please check this page.

posted =oyo= : 09:52 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)



ネット上で検索すると、虚実あわせて様々な時代と様々な地域に、聖ジュリアン (Saint Julian) と呼ばれる人物がいる事が解る。否、人物名とは限らない。その名を名乗る土地もあるのだ。

read details "SAINT JULIAN" by JULIAN COPE

posted =oyo= : 10:34 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


dedicated to La Cicciolina for "Made In Heaven" collaborate with Jeff Koons

is a place, a place where nothing, nothing ever happens

The collage of "dedicated to La Cicciolina for "Made In Heaven" collaborate with Jeff Koons" depends on some photography of La Cicciolina aka Staller Anna Ilona with Jeff Koons. The original photography you can find, here, there and everywhere.

"Deux ou trois choses que je sais d'elle (2 or 3 Things I Know About Her)"
If you want to know about the movie directed by Jean-Luc Godard, please check this page.
But, if you want to know about her, please check this page.

posted =oyo= : 05:52 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


『ホワイ・ノット (Why Not?)』 by マリオン・ブラウン・クワルテット (MARION BROWN QUARTET)


read details 『ホワイ・ノット (Why Not?)』 by マリオン・ブラウン・クワルテット (MARION BROWN QUARTET)

posted =oyo= : 15:23 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


dedicated to Mary Shelley : The Woman Who Created "Frankenstein"

Someone's Always Tryin' To Start My Baby Cryin'

The collage of dedicated to "Mary Shelley : The Woman Who Created "Frankenstein" depends on three actresses who acted as Mary Shelley on three movies. The original images for this collage, you can find here, there and everywhere.

"Deux ou trois choses que je sais d'elle (2 or 3 Things I Know About Her)"
If you want to know about the movie directed by Jean-Luc Godard, please check this page.
But, if you want to know about her, please check this page.

posted =oyo= : 08:51 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


『クール・ソロ (KOOL-SOLO)』 by 鮎川誠 (Makoto Ayukawa)

「お前は誰だ 鮎川だ」
確かそんなキャッチコピーと共に、この作品カヴァーのフロントとバックを飾る鮎川誠 (Makoto Ayukawa) の写真が、ある広告に起用されていた。

read details 『クール・ソロ (KOOL-SOLO)』 by 鮎川誠 (Makoto Ayukawa)

posted =oyo= : 12:01 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


dedicated to Barbara Mullen photo by Lillian Bassman

Twisted :
To Prove It I'll Have The Last Laugh On You

The collage of Barbara Mullen photo by Lillian Bassman depends on the original images are taken from here, there and everywhere.

"Deux ou trois choses que je sais d'elle (2 or 3 Things I Know About Her)"
If you want to know about the movie directed by Jean-Luc Godard, please check this page.
But, if you want to know about her, please check this page.

posted =oyo= : 09:36 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


"The ZOMBIES : begin here PLUS 17 BONUS TRACKS" by The Zombies

一通りのオーディオ・セットはあるものの、TVはないという、世の中の常識とはちょっとずれた部屋にぼくは寝転んでいて、つけっぱなしのFM放送を聴くまでもなく聴いていた。時刻は恐らく夕刻、6時台だと憶う。当時は夜7時のニュースを聴いてから夕食にする事にしていたから、腹は減っているけれども、手にてなす なにごともなし。という状況下に、ぼくはいた。


read details "The ZOMBIES : begin here PLUS 17 BONUS TRACKS" by The Zombies

posted =oyo= : 10:59 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Motoko Kusanagi, the puppet

Motoko Kusanagi aka Major Kusanagi was created by Masamune Shirow for the comic "Ghost In The Shell" in 1989.
The comic "Ghost In The Shell" adapted to the anime movie "Ghost In The Shell" directed by Mamoru Oshii in 1995.
Motoko Kusanagi aka Major Kusanagi is a cyborg in the employ of "Public Security Section 9", a fictional division of the real Japanese National Public Safety Commission, as the squad leader.
In the comic "Ghost In The Shell" and the anime movie "Ghost In The Shell" featured mainly "The Puppet Master Case".

This collage depends on the original images you can find here, there and everywhere.

"Deux ou trois choses que je sais d'elle (2 or 3 Things I Know About Her)"
If you want to know about the movie directed by Jean-Luc Godard, please check this page.
But, if you want to know about her, please check this page.

posted =oyo= : 10:56 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Esmeralda Sanborn, the servant

Esmeralda Sanborn aka Lady Armaroid was created by Buichi Terasawa for the comic " Cobra" 1978.
Esmeralda Sanborn aka Lady Armaroid is Cobra's long-time partner and representing the serious half of the duo.
Firstly she was born as human named Esmeralda Sanborn, the princess of the duchy of Sanborn. By serious accident, when she was hardly to live, she selected to transfer to be Lady Armaroid in order to survive and to continue to be the best partner for Cobra.

This collage depends on the original images you can find here, there and everywhere.

"Deux ou trois choses que je sais d'elle (2 or 3 Things I Know About Her)"
If you want to know about the movie directed by Jean-Luc Godard, please check this page.
But, if you want to know about her, please check this page.

posted =oyo= : 09:29 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)

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